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Study 1: Exploring fears of compassion and stress during a mindfulness and compassion intervention.


The aim of this research was to understand the relationship between fears of compassion and stress for participants on a mindfulness and compassion course (Mindfulness CIC).


The results showed a positive relationship between fears of expressing kindness and compassion to oneself and stress. Fears of responding to compassion from others was shown to have a strong relationship with fears of expressing kindness and compassion to oneself but no significance to stress.


The research highlighted the importance of being able to recognise the need and necessity
of compassion from others and to the self. 


To read the full article please click here 

Study 2: A pilot study using EEG (Electroencephalogram) measures was conducted taken to determine prefrontal hemispheric alpha-asymmetry during and after an 8-week mindfulness and compassion intervention (Mindfulness CIC) at three-time points (pre, post, and 6-months).


Mindfulness interventions in general support individuals to create a state of mind that deters engagement with maladaptive patterns, which nurtures a state of mind known as positive affect (Barnhofer et al., 2010). Mindfulness interventions have not only been associated with increased positive affect (Chambers et al., 2007; Erisman & Roemer, 2010) but in addition, the more one practices mindfulness the greater the positive affect (Weinrib, 2011). In contrast, negative affect can have a detrimental impact on emotional regulation (taken from PhD).


The term neuroplasticity is popular within mindfulness research and has been identified as a mechanism for neural changes, emphasising the relationship between mindfulness and neuroscience (Davidson & Lutz, 2008; Widdett, 2014). Research has shown that the frontal regions of the brain specialize in the processing of positive and negative emotions (Davidson & Irwin, 1993). The approach/withdrawal model (Davidson, 1983) proposes that the two hemispheres process emotions differently within the frontal cortex. The left hemisphere specialises in processing positive affect and approach motivation, while in contrast increased frontal EEG alpha-asymmetry in the right hemisphere is linked to negative affect and withdrawal or avoidance of an emotional stimulus


The results from this study identified a pattern of change from right hemispheric activation to left hemispheric activation over the time points in all frontal electrode sites (F3/4, F7/F8, PF1/PF2).


To read the full article please click here

Study 3: To explore the lived experience of completing a mindfulness and compassion course (Mindfulness CIC) on using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA).


The aim of the study was to examine the lived experience of an 8 week or equivalent 3/4 day mindfulness and compassion course using participant diary entries to explore participants' thoughts, feelings and emotions during the course.


Twelves themes were identified within the study while providing an understanding of the lived experience of participating in a mindfulness and compassion course.


To read the full article please click here


Many thanks to MindfulnessCIC and all the participants who participated in the studies.


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